Bali Photoshoot
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a Coast Imports photoshoot?
It wasn't all play! We were lucky enough to be able to shoot some beautiful new wares at a gorgeous villa on our recent visit to Bali...
This serene villa in the quiet back streets of bustling Seminyak was the perfect location for our shoot.
We were able to utilise the stunning architectural features of the property.
Don't these old timber doors make the perfect back drop? (Explore Vintage Decor HERE.)
Amanda was quick to get to work creating beautiful vignettes. (Find our range of old pots HERE.)
It was hot work in the 35 degrees and humidity of Bali! You would think us Queenslanders would be used to that!
Ale & Jo cool off in the shade.
And Tess, obliged us by walking back and forth holding pots and demijohns! It was thirsty work! :)
Sally found so many lovely old pots this time, we can't wait until they arrive in the warehouse!
This concrete wall and patterned tile in the shower really made the pots pop.
And they make a beautiful contrast, don't you agree?
One of the bedrooms in the villa provided the location for the next part of the shoot.
No need to worry about studio lights here, as the light in Bali is golden and gorgeous!
We are LOVING these new tribal print pots, all hand painted and no two are alike.
An old milk pot, a letterpress tray, a brass surfer and lush foliage complete this sweet vignette...
So many great shapes and patterns in this new range...
And of course we couldn't have a photoshoot in Bali without featuring this stunning pool!
These images are among our favourites, as the aqua water just looks so inviting...
and were perfect to shoot our range of glasses made by the Bali Street Mums Project.
And after a hot day shooting in paradise we all deserved to cool off with a Bintang in the pool!!!
It's going to be hard to go back to shooting in the studio, sigh......
Would you like to join Sally in Bali next year,
staying in a beautiful Villa and visiting her secret sourcing spots, fave restaurants and beach bars?
Simply email us HERE for more information.